Elite Companions As of U30, this trait no longer appears as ''cast by you'' effect.
Damage was buffed with a DNT - Herald buff, then nerfed again by removal, then changed in damage-type to westerness and again rendered useless in terms of damage capability.
Movement has been updated, but the positioning and movement seems a bit buggy (gets sometimes stuck behind objects).
Fighting Withdrawal still does not work when there's stun immunity active from the lore-master.
Doube clicking/tabbing skills If you double tab the following skills, they actually go on cooldown, but do not activate:.
Light of Elendil from Blade of Elendil is still not scaled properly, mediocre DoT.
Shield, Song and Blade-brother still bugged, once the legacy ''muster courage fear resist" surpasses into the added critical defense bonus, it becomes bugged.
The HoT is not affected by it's legacies & skill % boost e.g.
Inspire healing bonus is only affected on it's initial heal.
This happens mainly with weapon swapping.
Defeat-Event UI trigger does not correctly display that Routing Cry is available as Defeat-Event despite it being available as a defeat-event skill.
Tactical LI rune does not increase the captain it's tactical damage (routing cry).
precise essence can proc from crit hits with telling & revealing (careful not to affect revealing crit heals if adjusting).
Captain Area-effect healing does not affect inspire healing, possibly also affecting other skills like valiant strike & reform the lines.
pressing attack and devastating blow critical rating does not work and does not reflect properly on current endgame content.
Defensive strike armor buff no longer reflects properly on current endgame content.
Battle-states do not apply when casting one while swapping away, this can be fixed through having a sword taking complete care of the battle-states.
Possibly also case for valiant strike but unable to test that.
Melee skills healing only affects inspire initial heal.
Bleed skills critical damage does not affect our bleed skills, this probably has to do with the fact that somehow tactical critical hit chance affects our DoT instead of physical.
Decided to post the buglist here aswell, as not everyone reads the BR subfora